Adventures in Unschooling

Posts Tagged ‘tennis

OK. So I need to rev up my calorie burning to lose the weight that has been sneaking back on since I started working in a very sedentary type job again (I miss the flexibility of home…).

I don’t eat on my lunch hour because I snack on fruits, veggies, salads and nuts all throughout the day instead. So I have a half hour to kill at lunch everyday.


How about I start running at work?

Oh wait. I don’t really have a pair of running shoes.

So I went and got some. I also bought a nice running jacket so that I wouldn’t be freezing my arse off on the chilly days.

Now I need a place to store that stuff.

So I made one.

Here is my gym bag:

I have been keeping that mesh for a long time and finally found a good use for it. The mesh will keep my shoes airing out so that they don’t get all of my stuff stinky. There is also a smaller pocket for my hair elastic, headband and deodorant. I have a towel wrapped in there for wiping myself off a bit (if needed) and for drying off my shoes (if needed).

The shoes are comfortable. I hardly ever come across that. In my attempt to “break them in” I  have been wearing them all day. I went for a run around the block after lunch and was able to finish a full lap without slowing down (which I have never done before). I am sure that has very little to do with the shoes. Just sayin’…

And I also worked up a sweat on the elliptical and trampoline. I’ll wrap up with some core exercises for my flabby mid-section, have a hot shower and head off to bed.

Tomorrow we are hoping to burn up the tennis courts a bit. Weather permitting. We do live in Canada after all.

We haven’t played since it started snowing and now that the snow is almost all gone we are ready for some racquet action. I need to get my racquet re-gripped this year. I am wondering if I would do a good enough job if I did it myself.

Well, yeah…I guess.

We are caught up financially, still living paycheque to paycheque but what’s new?

Kev finished his classes last Thursday. He writes his exams next week and then he’ll be all set up for his big application! Looks like my life could be very different six months from now and even more different a year from now.

My oldest son turns four in a couple of weeks. It really catches you off guard when you realize that four years have passed since you’ve given birth to my first child. I guess maybe it hits home a little harder for me because most days I can’t even believe I even have children. I still can’t believe that babies grow inside of people! I’d rather believe that storks bring them. That seems less bizarre to me. Ha ha ha.

In other news, we have been playing Tennis four or five times a week. We are getting better but my knees are starting to protest. It’s great to get all that fresh air and sunshine. We also take the kids with us. They have their own racquets and balls and they mess around there.

My husband is starting to get organized at home and the kids are getting used to it. Joel seems to be struggling with the transition but I think he’ll be better soon.

Moving on, last weekend I restocked my art supplies. My hubby got me an easel and I bought myself a couple canvases and some good quality watercolour crayons. Here are some of pictures of my new art space and of some of my recent projects (some unfinished).

My new workspace:


Some playing around with my watercolour crayons and one of my acrylic canvas painted abstractly:


  • None
  • withoutloveweallperish: 50 books for $10!! As a book lover, that sounds like Christmas come early! Lovely library set up, need to set up one of those for myself!
  • theworldismysoyster: Sure. Just none of my kids. :)
  • goobrobinson: Hi! I'd like to seek your permission if I can reuse one of your pictures for my next post? Specifically the second picture.
