Adventures in Unschooling

Posts Tagged ‘felting

I was bored this morning…

…so I decided to felt up a little sugar!

Here is my bunny rabbit.

And the little bum is so adorable!

I am sorry to all of my readers (how ever many few there may be) about my absence on the online world.

We have been very busy for just about every weekend for the last two months. This has been my first weekend at home and “off” so I am taking some time to update you. Be ready for a few posts since a lot has been going on.

In this post I want to show some of the sewing I have managed to accomplish in the last few days off as well as show you some of my felted treasures.


Here we have a princess or a dame or whatever, a Jedi knight and a pot-bellied pirate!

And I also made two carrots for their wood food set.


These are pictures of some of the sewing I did for my daughter this weekend.


The pink one will take her another year and a half to grow into. I guess that’ll be one less outfit to buy then.


I also managed to sew myself two different shirts and a pair of comfy pants but I didn’t get pictures of me wearing them. 😦

I’ll post some when I get them.

We also sorted through all of the children’s toys and now that everything is sorted through they are playing with all the toys that were buried at the bottom of their toy box. Toy-box cleaning is good for their imagination!

I was also thrilled to find that we still had all of the pieces to their wood sets from Christmas.

And I have been trying to read as much as I can lately because I am still not making any ground with my four year old on the potty training front. So many books are quick to say don’t use rewards, don’t punish but they don’t equip you well to know what to do instead.

After over a year of having accidents in waves I have tried it all and I am still not getting anywhere. So yeah, I am reverting back to yelling and punishing out of exasperation. It’s not at all what I set out to do but it just comes flowing out when I have to clean poop from all the way down his leg (because he pooped in his pants) AGAIN!!!

And everyone’s advice on this has been terribly short sighted and unhelpful. I am starting to feel like I am the only one who is dealing with this but I know that this can’t be so. SO, if he MUST grow out of it I sure hope it’s soon.

Anyways, so right now I am trying to read through this book called kids are worth it  by Barbara Coloroso. It makes pretty good sense but the application of it may be a lot harder than it looks.

Do I ever wish I would have started reading these books when my babes were babes instead of scrambling to find answers when the shit was hitting the fan. I could have saved myself a lot of trouble I am sure.

UGH! I had such great plans for my Monday…then the migraine arrived. It’s just as well as today was a dreary, rainy day and there wouldn’t have been much to enjoy outdoors anyways. But still…the residual headache I get after the episode is enough to ruin the rest of the day. Thank heavens I have such a wonderful husband. My Kevin took off from work so that he could take over the day’s child rearing so that I could rest and recover.

It is hard enough dealing with the intense pain of the headache part of the migraine, it’s a whole other story when you literally can’t see straight and feel nauseated.

This is has finally encouraged me to try to give up chocolate. I know that chocolate over-consumption is the main trigger for my migraines. I’ll still drink my chocolate Silk but that is it!

Speaking of too much chocolate…this weekend was the Easter weekend.

It was so beautiful outside and we tried to sneak outdoors as much as we could. My fantastic hubby cleaned up the yard so that we could all go play in there. We played some soccer and he even set up some make shift goal posts for soccer/football/whatever.

He also picked up some small, cheap water guns and we had a family mini-water fight.

While my mom was at my place she brought me a new art book. I often find that these books are full of overdone ideas but this one had lots of fun, original ideas that I am dieing to try out.

She also taught us a new craft.

dsc04873First you shave crayons onto a piece of paper (which is pre-folded in half) then you iron it. You need to place some fabric between the ironing board and the paper and the paper and the iron (this prevents your iron and ironing board from getting messy if the the crayon happens to (and most likely will) seep through the paper).

dsc04875When the crayons shaving are all melted you open the paper up and it makes these colourful blots.

The top one was my mom’s, the middle my own and the bottom one my sister’s.

They make lovely sun catchers.

I finished a larger felted bowl this weekend as well. It didn’t felt as I had wanted it to. I have guessed that it was because my needles were too small so I am knitting a new one with some larger needles. We’ll see how this one turns out.

I never thought I would ever knit but now I am even contemplating making a pair of socks. We’ll see…

And, in my last post I talked about how I couldn’t wait to make some cupcakes. Well, I found time to do that this weekend. I made the cappuccino cupcakes. They were very good even though I didn’t get the icing right. I tried making it without agar (I couldn’t find any) and it seems to be a very essential part of the recipe. Oh well, next time I will choose an agar-free recipe.

  • None
  • withoutloveweallperish: 50 books for $10!! As a book lover, that sounds like Christmas come early! Lovely library set up, need to set up one of those for myself!
  • theworldismysoyster: Sure. Just none of my kids. :)
  • goobrobinson: Hi! I'd like to seek your permission if I can reuse one of your pictures for my next post? Specifically the second picture.
