Adventures in Unschooling

Posts Tagged ‘art

I don’t get to post as much as I’d like these days. I guess I am just too busy working and living to document it all on here.

And we have been busy.

We have been:

1. Working: I am working full-time and even the hubby is pulling quite a bit of hours. But with all that we still manage to always have one of us home with the kids.

2. Cleaning: With our place on the market and us hoping for a quick sale we have been cleaning a lot. The yard, the shed, the floors, the dogs…even the kids seem to get dirty 30 minutes after you clean them.

3. Exercising: I have been working out very hard and I have been losing weight. I have hit a roadblock though and the last five to ten pounds are proving to be very difficult to burn off. Here are some pictures of the kids doing yoga with me:

4. Painting: We have been painting, making necklaces, colouring, crafting in general. The kids also really like play doh and moon sand. Here are some pictures of their play table (yesterday’s painting project):

5. Frolicking: Playing at the park, playing tennis, playing board games, wrestling on the couch, signing and dancing to Raffi and just generally enjoy the sunshine (when we get it) and fresh air.

6. Enjoying the little miracles: The Universe has been pretty good to us. My husband’s police recruitment is going well and we are nearing the end of it all. Through all the downs the ups come back around. And the ups are much more special. Also my computer seems to have miraculously healed itself. I had a very invasive virus on my computer that made it virtually impossible for me to even check my email much less blog and today my computer is clean, clear and back to its original speed. My anti-virus finally decided to do its job I guess??? And my washing machine broke on Sunday night but a friend who is moving and currently needing to unload one has been able to offer one to us at a VERY reasonable price. Thanks so much L!

7. Learning: We are all learning. I am trying to learn to be more patient with life and to be a better mother. I am far from the ideal mother and that frustrates me because I like to excel at everything I do. Mothering, though, has been the hardest task I have ever undertaken and I have much learning yet to do.

In general, I am happy with life. I can’t wait for our life to really get going though. We have been living in limbo for quite a while and I can’t wait to get some financial stability and to be back home again.


Some spring-y art for my bathroom.

The colours are actually more pastel hued than they look like on the picture but that’s what I could get right now.


I finished my sun the other day. I think it really needs a glaze. One of these days we’ll head over to the ol’ art store and see what they’ve got.

It looks too matte and it is very porous. I think a glaze would make a world of difference.

It now hangs in my kitchen. A little bit of Mexican sunshine for our depressing snowy lives.

Speaking of snow, it is getting warmer out there and it is melting. Woo hoo!

These pictures were taken on Monday’s walk:

I love how beautiful snow looks when it melts. Even dirty snow. It has such a voluptuous texture. I couldn’t help but run my fingers along the round ridges.

I have also found a little bit of time to paint. This is the newest piece in my new Urban collection. OK, it has two pieces in it but I think I may have finally found my art style.

I love it the way it is. My husband thinks it need a little something more. But it’s mine so it is staying like that. I love the simplicity and contrast. What do viewers think?

We have been very stressed these days. Luckily,  my husband and I have been making it a priority to not blame each other and to take time to reconnect with each other.

Money stresses are notorious for breaking couples apart but even though we are both noticeably stressed out we are still finding time to encourage and love each other. This is making all of the difference in the world.

We have also been making sure we go out for fresh air and exercise everyday and that we are trying to eat healthy. My husband also watched a documentary that touched on the concept of using Vitamin C to increase health and reduce stress etc. So he wants to buy a Vitamin C supplement. I assured him that we had lots of Vitamin C in our mostly raw diet but he insists on a supplement. How cute is that? I love my holistic hubby!

But the problem still persists even if we are trying not to let it get to us. And after waiting and waiting for a decent job to come up for my husband, our budget is getting desperate. So I called my old employer and they can get me working right away. Probably by Monday.

It really bites that I won’t have the time to play with my kids or to make art and crafts. To read and to uncook. But we need the money.

Plus my hubby has a minor surgery coming up this month and he would have to take about eight to ten work days off for it and that would be hard for us to budget too. So, I go back to work. He can focus on healing, our bills get paid and that’s really all there is to it.

Besides, I figure that after his career gets going he will be supporting me for the rest of my life so I am happy to be able to take this stress off of his shoulders for now.

He will still need to find a part time job to help us catch up from the last month of little to no income.

We would have been better off but he wasted two weeks with this company only to find out they lied to him about his earning potential. They wanted to pay him $11/hr. That’s after the two week $9/hr training period. Yeah, he has a house, a van, a wife and three kids. $11/hr should be enough. Right?

They knew he had a whole butt-load of people depending on him and they still lied to him. So he is expecting a tiny paycheque but it will not cover most of our expenses. Plus they asked him to use his van to tote people around and the company never compensated him for it.

They are scum bags!

But anyway, the company I am going back to pays me semi-fairly and I get a deposit in my account every Monday like clock work. I need that kind of stability after the last three months we have had.

This is my painting from yesterday:

These are the boys’ clay projects: 

They are unfinished of course. We will paint them tomorrow.

This one is mine:

And yesterday I let Trey take pictures with my digital camera.

This one I just had to share:

He caught his little sister and brother curled up in the corner cupboard in the kitchen eating brown sugar straight out of the container. Look at Anna’s little face. That sugar is plastered all over her. Ha ha ha.

We love art and nothing is more fun than creating lasting pieces of art on canvas. Lasting is a bit exaggerated since I have been known to reuse canvas but it is still a lot more permanent than painting on paper.

This was Anna’s first canvas. Here are the kids:

And below are the finished works of art:

And below is the gallery that my husband set up. It livens up our boring hallway and it gives me somewhere to display my work too. I just adore him so much for doing this for me (it was his idea).

I finished this one this morning.

Overall I am pleased with it.

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We obtained some of the tickets for the opening day and trudged through snow, with three kids in tow to get there. We got there a half hour late but no one even checked our tickets. So we went in with the 6:00 group.

The most interesting thing about the gallery was the gallery itself. Not so much the exhibits.

There were a couple of exhibits that were interesting and had I had no kids to rush me through every good exhibit I would have really had a chance to enjoy them.

The Murder of Crows was the first stop on the exhibit. It was an eerie room with chairs set up in the middle. There were some 95 speakers or something, each playing a slightly different music or narration of one of three nightmares. So you were supposed to walk around the room. Each path giving you a different perception of the exhibit.

It could have been great I am sure but the kids weren’t into that (who can blame them) so we walked through really quickly and missed almost all of the actual spoken parts.

Storm Room by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller was the next exhibit. It was my favorite.

I took a picture (with a flash of it) but that won’t relay the experience one bit. On every window of the little house in the middle of the room is a torrential down pour of rain. The windows are partly open so there is a breeze provided for by a fan. And there is a light bulb that flashes in coordination with crashes of thunder over some loud speakers. I could have sat on the floor of that hut for 20 minutes at least. Just listening to the room. I wish I had a storm room in my house. I would go in there when I want to relax and get away.

This is Joel in the corner of the Storm Room. The flash really detracts from the emotion of the piece but I was only get darkness without a flash. A really beautiful piece.

There were a couple other exhibits that weren’t terribly moving. And there was a play area for the kids. The intent was that they could design and build but I didn’t see a single child doing that. I hope no one was too disappointed. LOL.

Here are pictures of the architecture:

So Trey has started playing video games. Playing might be stretching it as he hasn’t finish a single level of anything but he loves to play LEGO Star Wars on the PS3.

Yesterday he was on the boob tube for about two hours and I was desperate to get him doing something else. The good news is that he stands while he plays so he isn’t totally vegetating.

Anyway, I knew I’d need something really interesting to distract them.

Hey, why don’t we take our water colour crayons and draw on ourselves?












Mission accomplished!


I tried my hand at candle making for the first time. I made my own wicks using instructions for L. And while it worked out OK I had a hell of a time getting them to burn. I spent the whole evening (on and off) getting them burned down to the point that I could stuff a tea light down there. That is working well.

I coloured them using crayons.

And the little seaside motif was born out of my desire to start decorating from spring (yeah, I am so tired of winter) and it all of a sudden developed into this beachy thing. So I just ran with it.

I had to take down my nature table. It was just getting scattered all over the house. This is sort of a substitute for it.

Anyways, good night.

  • None
  • withoutloveweallperish: 50 books for $10!! As a book lover, that sounds like Christmas come early! Lovely library set up, need to set up one of those for myself!
  • theworldismysoyster: Sure. Just none of my kids. :)
  • goobrobinson: Hi! I'd like to seek your permission if I can reuse one of your pictures for my next post? Specifically the second picture.
